How to get a Protection Order Dropped in Colorado

Protection orders, also known as restraining orders, are legal documents issued by a court to protect individuals from domestic violence, harassment, or stalking. While these orders serve an important purpose in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals, there may be circumstances where you need to seek the removal or dropping of a protection order. In this guide, we’ll explore the process of getting a protection order dropped in Colorado and provide valuable insights to navigate this legal procedure.

Understanding Protection Orders in Colorado:

Before delving into the process of getting a protection order dropped, it’s essential to understand the different types of protection orders available in Colorado and their legal implications. In Colorado, protection orders may include:

Getting a protection order dropped in Colorado

  1. Temporary Protection Orders (TPOs): These orders are issued on an emergency basis to provide immediate protection to victims of domestic violence, harassment, or stalking.
  2. Permanent Protection Orders (PPOs): PPOs are issued after a court hearing and typically have a longer duration, providing ongoing protection to individuals at risk.

1. Consult with Legal Counsel: If you’re considering getting a protection order dropped in Colorado, it’s advisable to seek legal counsel from an experienced attorney specializing in family law or domestic violence. A qualified attorney can assess your situation, explain your rights and options, and provide guidance on the best course of action.

2. Gather Evidence and Documentation: To support your request for dropping a protection order, gather relevant evidence and documentation that may demonstrate changes in circumstances or the absence of ongoing threats or risks. This may include communication records, witness statements, counseling or therapy reports, and any other pertinent information.

3. File a Motion to Modify or Dismiss: To initiate the process of getting a protection order dropped in Colorado, you’ll need to file a formal legal motion with the court. This motion may be titled as a “Motion to Modify” or “Motion to Dismiss” the protection order, depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Your attorney can assist you in preparing and filing the necessary paperwork with the court.

4. Attend Court Hearings: Once your motion to modify or dismiss the protection order has been filed, the court will schedule a hearing to review your request. It’s important to attend these court hearings and present your case effectively, providing evidence and testimony to support your request for dropping the protection order. Your attorney can represent you in court and advocate on your behalf during these proceedings.

5. Demonstrate Changed Circumstances: During the court hearing, it’s essential to demonstrate to the judge that there have been significant changes in circumstances since the protection order was issued. This may include evidence of improved relationships, completion of counseling or therapy programs, or other factors indicating a reduced risk of harm or danger.


Navigating the process of getting a protection order dropped in Colorado can be complex and challenging, but with the right approach and legal guidance, it’s possible to achieve a favorable outcome. By consulting with legal counsel, gathering relevant evidence, filing a motion with the court, and presenting your case effectively, you can increase your chances of successfully getting a protection order dropped and moving forward with your life. Remember to prioritize your safety and well-being throughout this process, and seek support from trusted professionals and resources as needed.

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