How to get Vision Therapy Covered by Insurance

Vision therapy can be a highly effective treatment for various visual conditions and disorders. However, navigating insurance coverage for vision therapy can be confusing and challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore strategies and tips to help you get your vision therapy treatments covered by insurance.

Understanding Vision Therapy:

Vision therapy is a specialized program designed to improve and enhance visual skills and abilities. It involves a series of exercises and activities prescribed by a trained optometrist or vision therapist to address issues such as eye tracking problems, convergence insufficiency, and amblyopia (lazy eye). While vision therapy can yield significant benefits for patients, it is often considered an elective or non-covered service by many insurance providers.

Research Your Insurance Policy:

The first step in seeking insurance coverage for vision therapy is to thoroughly review your insurance policy. Understand the details of your coverage, including what services are included and excluded, any limitations or restrictions, and whether vision therapy is specifically mentioned as a covered benefit. Pay attention to terms such as “vision rehabilitation,” “orthoptic therapy,” or “ocular motor training,” which may be used to describe vision therapy in insurance documentation.How to get Vision Therapy Covered by Insurance

Consult with Your Eye Care Provider:

Schedule a consultation with your eye care provider, such as an optometrist or ophthalmologist, who can assess your visual condition and determine whether vision therapy is a suitable treatment option for you. Discuss your insurance coverage and inquire about the possibility of getting vision therapy covered. Your eye care provider can provide valuable insights and guidance on navigating the insurance process.

Obtain a Prescription and Treatment Plan:

In order to seek insurance coverage for vision therapy, you will likely need a prescription and treatment plan from your eye care provider. This documentation should outline the specific visual issues being addressed, the recommended course of vision therapy treatment, and the expected duration of treatment. A comprehensive treatment plan can strengthen your case when requesting coverage from your insurance provider.

Submit a Preauthorization Request:

Many insurance companies require preauthorization or precertification for certain medical services, including vision therapy. Work with your eye care provider’s office to submit a preauthorization request to your insurance company. Provide all necessary documentation, including the prescription, treatment plan, and any supporting medical records or test results. Be prepared to advocate for the medical necessity of vision therapy in improving your visual function and quality of life.

Appeal Denials if Necessary:

If your initial request for insurance coverage is denied, don’t lose hope. You have the right to appeal the decision and request a review of your case. Consult with your eye care provider and insurance company to understand the reasons for the denial and gather any additional information or documentation that may support your appeal. Be persistent and proactive in advocating for coverage for vision therapy.

Consider Alternative Financing Options:

In some cases, insurance coverage for vision therapy may be limited or unavailable. If you are unable to secure coverage through your insurance provider, consider exploring alternative financing options. Some vision therapy practices offer flexible payment plans or financing options to help make treatment more affordable. Additionally, certain vision therapy organizations and foundations may provide financial assistance or grants to eligible patients.


Navigating insurance coverage for vision therapy can be complex, but with careful research, advocacy, and persistence, it is possible to obtain coverage for this valuable treatment. By understanding your insurance policy, consulting with your eye care provider, and following the necessary steps to request coverage, you can increase the likelihood of getting your vision therapy treatments covered by insurance. Remember to be proactive, informed, and prepared to advocate for your visual health and well-being.

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