How to Get Invited to Junior Day

Junior Day events offer prospective student-athletes an invaluable opportunity to showcase their skills, meet college coaches, and explore potential athletic scholarships. However, earning an invitation to Junior Day can be competitive. In this guide, we’ll share essential tips for increasing your chances of receiving an invitation to Junior Day and making a positive impression on college coaches and recruiters.

Understanding Junior Day

Junior Day events are organized by colleges and universities to recruit high school juniors and introduce them to their athletic programs. These events typically include campus tours, meetings with coaches, athletic facility tours, and sometimes, participation in athletic drills or scrimmages. Junior Day provides student-athletes with an opportunity to learn more about a college’s athletic program and academic offerings while showcasing their talents to coaches and recruiters.

Research Potential Colleges

Start by researching colleges and universities that offer programs in your sport and align with your academic interests. Visit college websites, review athletic department information, and research coaching staff to gain insight into each program’s values, recruiting criteria, and Junior Day schedule. Narrow down your list to schools that you’re genuinely interested in attending.

Establish Contact with Coaches

Reach out to coaches at your target colleges to express your interest in their athletic programs and inquire about their recruiting process. Introduce yourself via email or phone and provide relevant information about your athletic achievements, academic performance, and upcoming competition schedule. Personalize your communications to demonstrate your genuine interest in the program.

Attend Camps and Showcases

Participating in camps, showcases, and tournaments can increase your visibility to college coaches and recruiters. Attend events that are attended by coaches from your target colleges and perform at your best to catch their attention. Showcase your skills, work ethic, and coachability during these events to leave a lasting impression on college recruiters.

Maintain Academic Excellence

Academic performance is a crucial factor in college admissions and athletic recruiting. Focus on maintaining strong grades, challenging yourself with rigorous coursework, and preparing for standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT. Colleges look for student-athletes who excel both athletically and academically, so prioritize your studies alongside your athletic pursuits.

Create an Impressive Highlight Reel

Compile a highlight reel showcasing your athletic abilities, skills, and accomplishments. Include footage from games, practices, and competitions that demonstrate your athleticism, technique, and sportsmanship. Keep your highlight reel concise and focused, highlighting your most impressive moments and skills relevant to your position or sport.

Stay Active on Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with college coaches and recruiters. Maintain an active presence on platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, sharing updates about your athletic achievements, academic progress, and upcoming events. Follow college coaches and engage with their content to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm.

Seek Recommendations and Endorsements

Request recommendations and endorsements from coaches, teachers, and mentors who can vouch for your character, work ethic, and athletic abilities. A strong endorsement from a respected coach or mentor can bolster your credibility and make a positive impression on college recruiters. Provide your recommenders with specific information about your goals and achievements to help them craft compelling endorsements.

Attend College Recruiting Workshops

Many organizations offer college recruiting workshops and seminars designed to educate student-athletes and their families about the recruiting process. Attend these workshops to learn about NCAA eligibility requirements, recruiting timelines, scholarship opportunities, and best practices for engaging with college coaches. Arm yourself with knowledge and resources to navigate the recruiting process successfully.

Follow Up and Express Gratitude

After attending camps, showcases, or communicating with college coaches, follow up with a thank-you note or email expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to connect. Reiterate your interest in the program and express your enthusiasm for the possibility of joining the team. A thoughtful follow-up can leave a positive impression and keep you on the radar of college recruiters.


Earning an invitation to Junior Day requires proactive outreach, strategic planning, and impressive athletic and academic credentials. By following these essential tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of receiving an invitation to Junior Day and positioning yourself as a top recruit in the eyes of college coaches and recruiters.

In conclusion, securing an invitation to Junior Day requires diligent preparation, effective communication, and a standout athletic and academic profile. By researching potential colleges, establishing contact with coaches, attending camps and showcases, maintaining academic excellence, creating an impressive highlight reel, staying active on social media, seeking recommendations, attending recruiting workshops, and following up with gratitude, you can enhance your chances of earning a coveted spot at Junior Day and advancing your collegiate athletic aspirations.

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